Prospective Sponsor Info

Why sponsor Team RUSH?

Apart from furnishing invaluable assets to the team, Team RUSH 27 does many things to mold the world's future leaders and innovators, through this idea vital skills in STEM fields are grown. 

The FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) gives high school students a boost into a real-world job and teaches them to make the world a better place. Ultimately, FRC gives students a family and a chance to be successful in life after high school.

What are the benefits of sponsoring?

How do I sponsor Team RUSH?

Step 1:

First, donate online to our team, or provide a physical check to the student you are in contact with.

If you provide a physical check instead of online, please make your check out to "Clarkston FIRST Robotics Team RUSH 27", and put either "Team RUSH" or "Mrs. Hughes" on the memo line. Then, you can skip to Step 2. 

To donate online, please click the button below, then select "Donate" and enter a donation amount.

Step 2:

Click the button below to complete your registration with key information, such as your contact information, the student who has contacted you, and how much you are sponsoring. 

After the completion of the form, you are finished! 

Thank you for taking the time to donate to our team! 

See below to view Community & Corporate Sponsorship Levels