Becoming a Student

Being a part of the Clarkston High School Robotics team, Team RUSH:

When joining Team RUSH you are expected to exhibit our four core values which are Respect, Unity, Spirit, and Heart. 

Joining Team RUSH has many opportunities to learn mechanical and business skills. Being a part of the team means you go through the ups and downs, the highs and lows. When you join Team RUSH you join a family. We make sure to stick together through exciting and tough times. Everyone is always willing to help each other in different ways.

How can I join?

If you're interested in joining Team RUSH, we provide unlimited opportunities for students, mentors, and our community. Our state and world championship title, Hall of Fame status, and immense community impact- are all results of our world class members! 

Connect with us via the button below to learn more, ask questions, and anything else you can think of!

The following quotes are from Team RUSH students. They were asked what they believed to be their team highlights, or in other words, their most memorable experiences as they were on the team. Many of these experiences were during competitions RUSH has attended, these are very beneficial and fun experiences we hope all team members to have.

“I would say my favorite memory from my time in Team RUSH would be the time we won worlds. It was such an emotional and adrenaline-inducing day that I could never forget it.”

“It would be the Kettering tournament where we worked and cheered all day and came back to the room. We eventually started to play games such as poker, uno and others. It was fun to see everyone chill after the day and that was one of my highlights.”

“I’d say one of my best highlights would be learning how to use the CNC machine. I thought that this was really cool because of how it worked and that I could control what was going on.”

“Probably my biggest highlight has been learning so many skills in the shop. When I joined the team, I had basically no knowledge of the different tools, and now I can use all of them. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to learn these skills that the team has given me.”

“My favorite moment is from my second regatta. My team’s regatta boat was in first place, but another was coming close in 2nd place. The other team accidentally hit our boat, and spun it completely around, giving them the win!”

“There was a moment last year during an advanced build on Friday when it started getting late. We were working, my teammate and I suddenly started giggling out of nowhere. Soon this spread to the whole room to the point where the programmers, the electrical team, and those working on the field were all hysterically laughing. We never knew what was so funny.”

 “Some of my best highlights from my years on Team RUSH are winning Worlds, Saturday Advanced builds, and watching matches at competitions. I enjoyed these moments most because they grew my bonds with teammates, I learned a lot, and I had a lot of fun.”

“My favorite highlight was being a human player at Kettering. And it was good to win”

“Winning the KPCB Award in 2019 was incredible. Being recognized at the world level for something I worked on was such an impactful moment.”

“Witnessing us qualify for Einstein’s for the first time ever and go on to win the championship and taking what I knew from years past to lead my regatta team”

“One of my highlights from last season was the whole Kettering competition. Getting to work in the pit and also as the technician kept me busy the whole time, but it was so fun. The combination of those two roles also allowed me to have a better understanding of what was happening with the robot on the field and the changes and adjustments that needed to be made once it was off the field in the pit again.”