2010 - Breakaway

Breakaway was the 2010 FIRST Robotics Competition game. Robots direct soccer balls into goals, traverse "bumps" in the field, suspend themselves and each other on towers, and/or go through a tunnel located in the center of the field. Balls are kicked or herded into goals located in the corners of the fields. There are two goals for each alliance, adding up to 4 goals total. At the end of the match, bonus points are awarded for robots that cling onto either of the two towers in the center of the field. More bonus points are awarded if alliance robots can suspend themselves from the robot clinging onto the tower.

Competitions Attended

Team RUSH was 41-24-2 in official play in 2010 at:

  • Kettering District
  • Detroit District
  • Michigan State Championship
  • World Championship

Awards Won

Entrepreneurship Award - Kettering District

Chairmans Award - Detroit District

Chairmans Award - Michigan State Championship


Robot Abilities

Drive Train: 6 Wheel Drive

Wheels: 6 Brown Nitrile Traction Wheels

Transmission: Single Speed Transmission


  • Rubber bar to acquire but not hold ball
  • Kick plate to launch ball across field
  • Utility arm to latch and rotate robot off the floor