Team Competition History

Over 27 years of Inspiration!

2025 will be our 29th year!

2024 - Crescendo

FIRST Crescendo, is the FIRST Robotics Competition for the 2024 season. This game involves two alliances of three teams each, with each team controlling a robot and performing specific tasks on a field to score points. This game had a music and arts theme, involving orange "notes" which teams launched into either a high (speaker) or low goal (amplifier) to score points. At the end of the match, teams climb the chain on the stage earning them additional points.


Charged Up presented by Haas for sponsorship reasons, was the FIRST Robotics Competition game for the 2023 season. The game is part of the FIRST-wide FIRST Energize theme for the 2022-2023 season, which focuses on energy and sustainable development. The game begins with an autonomous period then a teleoperated period, during both of which robots score cubes and cones onto a grid. At the end of the autonomous and teleoperated period, robots balance on the Charge Station to earn more points.

2022 - Rapid React

FIRST Rapid React, is the FIRST Robotics Competition for the 2022 season. This game involves two alliances of three teams each, with each team controlling a robot and performing specific tasks on a field to score points. This game had a transportation theme, involving medium sized "cargo" balls which teams launched into either a high or low goal to score points. At the end of the match, teams traversed a climber rig, similar to monkey bars with 4 levels, earning them additional points.

2021 - Infinite Recharge at Home

The FIRST Robotics Competition game for the 2021 season involved a virtual competition due to COVID. There were three challenges in total for this season. One of the challenges was a game design challenge where each team had to design an entire game and submit it to FIRST. The second challenge was the FIRST Innovation Challenge where each team had to come up with an innovative idea that involved technology to help the community around them with mental and physical health. The third challenge was Infinite Recharge at home where each team modified and improved their robot in order to present to judges virtually about the team's robot.

2020 - Infinite Recharge 

The FIRST Robotics Competition game for the 2020 season involved two alliances of three teams each, with each team controlling a robot and performing specific tasks on a field to score points. Points were scored by having each alliance shoot small yellow foam balls, or “power cells”, into one of three goals, each varying in height and difficulty. Once an alliance has shot enough power cells they can attempt to spin a color wheel until it lands on a specific color. During the end game points were scored by having each robot hanging from an unstable bar, extra points were given if the alliance could balance the bar.

2019 - FIRST Destination Deep Space

"The game has a galactic theme where teams were tasked with placing playground balls similar to a dodge ball that were known as cargo balls to be placed in cargo ships and rockets, the cargo ship was a long rocket laying flat on the ground in the middle of the field and the rockets were standing straight up. Along with cargo balls there were poly-carbonate toroids that were used to patch the holes you would use to put the cargo balls into."

2018 - FIRST Power Up

"The game has a retro 8-bit theme and teams are required to place milk crates, or "power cubes", on large balancing scales to tip the scale and gain ownership... At the end of the match, robots can climb the tower attached to the center balancing scale using a rung attached to the tower, giving them additional points."

2017 - FIRST Steamworks

"The game has a steampunk theme and teams are required to shoot wiffle balls which represent fuel into a simulated boiler which transfers the generated steam into an airship in the middle of the field. Each alliance has one airship, which they pressurize with steam from the boiler and load with plastic gears from the field..."

2016 - FIRST Stronghold

"The game involved breaching the opponents’ outer work as well as capturing their tower by first firing "boulders" at it, and then scaling the tower wall. Points were scored by crossing elements of the tower's outer works, shooting boulders into the opposing tower's five goals in order to lower the tower strength, and..."

2015 - FIRST Recycle Rush

"The game involved picking up and stacking totes on scoring platforms, putting pool noodles ("litter") inside recycling containers, and putting the containers on top of scoring stacks of totes. There is also a coopertition aspect of the game where both alliances of teams can pool their totes and stack them on a step dividing..."

2014 - FIRST Aerial Assist

"The game involved the alliances winning via getting the scoring elements (2'-diameter exercise balls) into the scoring areas located on the far end of the field. The game starts with each robots in either the White Zone (center field) or the goalie zones. They can be preloaded with 1 game ball prior to the start. The match begins..."

2013 - FIRST Ultimate Ascent

"The game involved teams starting with up to 2 or 3 discs on the robot at the beginning of the match. Teams of three robots each collect Frisbees and shoot them into goals of varying heights. There is also a pyramid which can be climbed at the end of the match for bonus points. Robots which begin touching the carpet..."

2012 - FIRST Rebound Rumble

"Rebound Rumble is played by two competing Alliances on a flat, 27 x 54 foot field. Each Alliance consists of three robots. They compete to score as many basketballs into their hoops as they can during a 2 minute and 15 second match. The higher the hoop in which the basketball is scored, the more points the Alliance receives..."

2011 - FIRST Logo Motion

"Playing pieces are inner tubes shaped like the components of the FIRST logo. The primary objective of the game is to place them on racks to gain points. In the endgame, robots deploy smaller robots ("minibots") to climb a tower. Minibots must be made from the FIRST Tech Challenge kit of parts..."

2010 - FIRST Breakaway

"The game robots directing soccer balls into goals, traverse "bumps" in the field, suspend themselves and each other on towers, and/or go through a tunnel located in the center of the field. Balls are kicked or herded into goals located in the corners of the fields. There are two goals for each alliance, adding up to 4 goals total..."

2009 - FIRST Lunacy

"The goal of the game is to score as many of the game pieces in the opposing side's trailers as possible. Robots start out in front of the opposite alliances' human players. There is a 15-second autonomous period, during which robots operate according to programs that teams download to their robot, and a 2-minute teleoperated..."

2008 - FIRST Overdrive

"The game involved a field divided lengthwise by a fence median to create a track, and separate the field into Red and Blue zones. The fence is crossed by an overpass marking the red and blue finish lines, and hold the game pieces: 40 in (1,016 mm) diameter inflated balls called "Trackballs". Two three-team alliances...."

2007 - FIRST Rack n' Roll

"The game involved game pieces made of inner tubes being placed on fences for points. This year we won the chairman's award at the West Michigan Regional. Team RUSH also participated in the Archimedes Division which was held in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2007 we went 23-16-4 in official play and 24-24-4 overall that year."

2006 - FIRST Aim High

"The game included poof balls and goals. Shooting balls into upper goal or pushing them into lower goals to score points. Team RUSH also was able to win the DaimlerChrysler Team Spirit Award at their regional; Team RUSH then went on to the World Championship and participated in the Galileo Division in Atlanta, Georgia. Team RUSH finished the year 25-15-0 in official play"

2005 - FIRST Triple Play 

"The game pieces were PVC Tetrahedrons Stack tetras on larger pyramids to score points, bonus for tic-tac-toe. Played three on three. Team Rush went to three competitions this year and won the engineering inspiration at their regional. With all that going on  Team RUSH was 34-13-0 in official play in 2005."

2004 - FIRST Frenzy

"Game pieces included small balls and PVC goals. Put balls in stationary and movable PVC goals then climb steps to platform. Hang on the chin up bar. Played three on three.  Team RUSH was able to attain the Chairman's award this year well at the Great Lakes regional. Overall the team was 24-8-0 in official play."

2003-Stack Attack

"Game pieces included Rubbermaid containers and ramps. Push containers onto alliance side of the ramp and make stacks. Points for being on top of the ramps at the end of the match. Played three on three. This was a huge year for team RUSH they went on to 3 competitions and were the winners of their regional.. Well at their competitions they were able to win the Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" award and the Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Entrepreneurship award.  The team managed a winning record of 27-6-0 in official play."

2002-Zone Zeal

"Game pieces included small balls and three moveable PVC goals. Put small balls in the goals, and push goals on alliances side of the field to score points. Played three on three. This was the year of the archimedes screw with minimal success the team was still able to place at regionals in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Team RUSH finished the season with a 16-7-0 record in official play."

2001-Diabolical Dynamics 

"Game pieces included small balls, big balls, and moveable PVC goals. Put small balls in the goals and top it with a big ball. Put the goals on a teeter tottering ramp and balance it. Four team alliance trying to get a high score. In 2001 we won the Gracious Professionalism award at the UTC/New England Regional in Hartford, Connecticut. What a great year!" 

2000- Co-Operation First 

"Game pieces included large balls and center troughs. Points were scored for putting balls into colored troughs, hanging on a bar, and a bonus ball. Game was played two on two.  Aside from the game Kyle Hughes won the Woodie Flowers award at the national championship in Orlando, Florida."

1999-Double Trouble 

"Game pieces included floppy pillows and a movable puck. Points were scored for pillows in the robot, pillows above 10 feet, moving the puck, and being on top of the puck at the end of the match.Robots played two on two with an optional third partner added after Great Lakes Regional. This year Team RUSH won both regionals it attended and got the most photogenic award at both competitions." 

1998-Ladder Logic

"Game pieces included big balls and a center goal with three ladders at angles on each side. Points scored for balls in the goals and on the ladders. Three robots were on the field with every robot for itself. RUSH attended the Great Lakes Regional in Ypsilanti, Michigan where they received the against all odds award." 

1997-Torrid Terror

"Inner tube tic-tac-toe played with three robots on the field. There were no alliances; it was every robot for itself. In the first year Team RUSH participated in two competitions, their first competition ever they won the quality award and were able to move on to the world championship in Orlando, Florida."