Ethics Review
Our Morals on Team RUSH
Team RUSH takes team ethics very seriously. In the past, we had activities at some of our meetings devoted to creating statements (called Core Value Statements) that best represent the standards that our team holds.
We believe in teamwork-based concepts such as honesty, communication, and continuous improvement. We keep these ideas in mind as we hand out awards (called RUSHies) to other teams at competitions.
There is a overarching Core Value Statement for each of the letters in our team name: Respect, Unity, Spirit, and Heart.
The Respect Core Value Statement is, “On our team, we have developed a culture where we have the integrity to be able to be honest with each other in our accountability in our responsibilities. We also strive to be accepting and patient when others fail, as we know all of our team members have extraordinary value.” We often state that to grow, students have to fail faster, learn more, focus, and execute! This is why we embrace the idea of perseverance: making mistakes is the first step towards success.
The Unity core value is based on open-mindedness, communication, and being goal-oriented. The official statement is, “As a team, we use clear communication and carry an open mind in order to further our progress. We also make sure we all know our goals to push the team in the right direction.” Communication within the team and outside the team is important for success, ensuring that everyone understands the tasks at present is crucial to a unified team.
The Spirit Core Value is about having an uplifting mood -- it’s also about the cooperative spirit of FIRST overall. Here is our Core Value Statement: “We are dedicated to empowering ourselves and others in their endeavors, in the direction of the team, while keeping an uplifting attitude.” Problem-solving, team building, and positive attitudes are crucial to having a successful team spirit.
The Heart Core Value is about being generous, welcoming, and accepting. The Heart Core Value Statement is, “We strive to create a system of continuous improvement through an open feedback environment. This system allows a welcoming atmosphere to our team and a generous feeling toward our community.” Improvement, diversity, and community outreach are all ways to lead a team with Heart in mind.