2015 - Recycle Rush

Recycle Rush was the 2015 FIRST Robotics Competition game. It involves picking up and stacking totes on scoring platforms, putting pool noodles ("litter") inside recycling containers, and putting the containers on top of scoring stacks of totes. There is also a coopertition aspect of the game where both alliances of teams can pool their totes and stack them on a step dividing the field to each gain twenty points. Along with these robot actions, human players can attempt to throw the pool noodles across the field to gain four points for each noodle left in the opposing alliance's work zone.

Competitions Attended

Team RUSH had an average qual score of 109.28 and ranked 7th in Michigan in 2015, competing at:

  • Northern Lights Regional
  • Woodhaven District
  • Livonia District
  • Michigan State Championship
  • World Championship

Awards Won

Entrepreneurship Award - Northern Lights Regional

Creativity Award - Woodhaven District

Team Spirit Award - Livonia District

FIRST Deans List Finalist Award (Diana Marsala) - Michigan State Championship

Entrepreneurship Award - Michigan State Championship


Robot Abilities

Drive Train: 6 Wheel Drive

Wheels: 4 Omni (outside) and 2 traction (center)

Transmission: Single Speed


  • Container stacking specialist
  • Two pneumatically actuated can grabbers to steal cans from the center during auto