Thank you for considering a donation to Team RUSH!
Our team uses PayPal to process all online donations. You can use any credit/debit card or bank account to complete your donation. Use the first button to make a no-fee, tax-deductible, online donation to Team RUSH! While this is our preferred donation method, you can use the second button to donate directly with your credit or debit card if you do not want to create an account with PayPal.
Extend your support in a variety of ways!
Employer Matching
As a verified 501(c)(3) non-profit, we are able to accept donations from employer-sponsored matching programs! Check with your employer to see if they participate in such a program.
Recurring Donations
The gift that keeps on giving! Here, you can choose to make monthly or annual contributions to the team. This method of support helps us maintain a predictable stream of funding throughout the entire season!
Give at Checkout
Every little bit helps! Set us as your favorite charity, and every time you make an online purchase with PayPal, you’ll have the opportunity to donate $1 to our team. It’s an easy and convenient way to have a big impact.
Click the button below to visit our profile page on PayPal and set us as your favorite charity. (Click the ♥️ icon below our name to set us as your favorite!) This can also be completed in the "Donate" section of the PayPal app.